Královská škola časté dotazy

From what year of age do you accept children in your primary school?
We accept children who have reached 6 years of age before entering 1st grade.

What is the capacity of the school and classes?
Our school will gradually open Grade 1 – Grade 9. The capacity of each class is 20 pupils.

What are the school’s opening hours?
7 a.m. – 6 p.m. depending on your needs.

What is the philosophy of the School curriculum?
Understanding things in context – practical use of knowledge – learning to learn – motivation to develop yourself – the ability of reflection and self-reflection.
Multicultural environment.

Do you provide feedback to parents?
Younger students  receive written report. For older students, we combine grading and written report. We use evaluation as a combination 1 – 5 and letters A – D.

Aexcellent attitude
Bvery good attitude
Cgood attitude
DNot very good attitude

We also use regular self-evaluation of students.

How do you teach?
As part of the distribution of subjects, we try to simulate as much as possible the environment of a bilingual family. Wherever is possible, two teachers – Czech and English native speakers – are present in the classroom. This makes the bilingual environment natural for our pupils. We teach projects, we also use integrated subjects.
Each pupil is encouraged and motivated in areas where he wants to develop beyond the established base. The elements of the Step by Step method help us greatly in this development. 

Do you use modern technology?
The school is equipped with modern technologies as we see them in real life. We are committed to developing communication skills, therefore mobile phones are not a part of the teaching process. The students leave their mobile phones in their secured lockers.

Do you provide catering?
The school provides all-day catering including – morning and afternoon snack, lunch, drink (all food in Bio quality) – price approx 2 000 CZK per month. We are able to provide lunch for students with special dietary needs.

Will the students wear the school uniform?
Yes, the students will wear the school uniform. A polo T-shirt and a sweater.

Does the school organise Open Door day?
Since family and school partnerships are a priority for us, we offer individual school visits. Please contact our school management: info@skolatroja.cz or mobile phone +420 775 799 999.

Zápis do 1. tříd pro školní rok 2025/2026

Královská základní škola v Praze-Troji otevírá dvě první třídy s celkovou kapacitou 32 dětí.

Termín zápisu:

  • Datum: 5. dubna 2025
  • Místo: Královská základní škola, Trojská 218/92, Praha 7 – Troja

Podmínky pro přijetí k zápisu:

  • Vyplnění a odeslání registračního formuláře do 21. března 2025
  • Účast na setkání s vedením školy před zápisem
Zápis do první třídy soukromé bilingvní školy v Praze Troji