Teambuilding week 5 September – 8 September 2023

Teambuildingový týden v Královské základní škole v Troji

As is tradition, we’ll begin the school year with fun activities during our team-building week.

Our school is a community of children, teachers, parents, and other school staff. It’s important to us that this community functions well. To kick things off, we’d like to strengthen the bonds among the children, especially after the holidays.

For the first four days (5th Sept., 6th Sept., 7th Sept., and 8th Sept.), we have planned team-building activities and trips outside the school for the children at the Royal Elementary School. During these activities, children will get to know each other, have fun, discover, and collaborate.

These will be cross-class activities (from 1st to 5th grade) and will mostly take place outdoors. Exceptions will be activities to reinforce and remind the rules inside the school building and for the first-graders to get to know the school’s premises. We’ll explore the surroundings of the school, share holiday experiences, engage in sports, create, and much more. We believe it will be a joyful time, filled with lots of laughter, and the children will return home excited and looking forward to the experiences of the following day.”

Please note that I aimed to keep the essence and context of the original text while ensuring fluency in English.

Zápis do 1. tříd pro školní rok 2025/2026

Královská základní škola v Praze-Troji otevírá dvě první třídy s celkovou kapacitou 32 dětí.

Termín zápisu:

  • Datum: 5. dubna 2025
  • Místo: Královská základní škola, Trojská 218/92, Praha 7 – Troja

Podmínky pro přijetí k zápisu:

  • Vyplnění a odeslání registračního formuláře do 21. března 2025
  • Účast na setkání s vedením školy před zápisem
Zápis do první třídy soukromé bilingvní školy v Praze Troji