And here it is! The new school year is just around the corner! Let’s have a talk about what awaits us on the first school day at Royal Elementary School.
n September 4, 2023, there will be a collective ceremonial opening of another exceptional school year at the Royal Elementary School.
1GR – 5GR
Where: ZŠ building Trojská 218/92, Prague 7 – Troja
At 8:30 am, the school garden will be open for children and their companions. At 9:00 am, we will meet in the atrium of the school garden, where we will welcome the children and introduce the royal team of teachers for the 2023 – 2024 school year. We look forward to meeting our royal first graders, the children who are joining us from other schools in higher grades, and of course, our amazing current royal children from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Around 9:30 am, children will gradually leave for their classes without their parents and will spend approximately an hour with their teachers. During this hour, parents are welcome to relax in the garden or the school dining room. At 10:30 am, we warmly invite all parents into the classrooms, where they can take photos and personally greet the teachers. The school will close for the day at 11:00 am.
6th grade and above
Where: Svídnická 506/1, Prague 8 -in the school hall
When: 10 am, 4/9/2023